Resident honkers, at least here in southern Maine, simply aren't flying--not until this morning did I hear the first birds overhead. The season opened back on Sept. 1, and this may mark the start of the "early migrators."
Geese I had been watching over in southeastern N.H. have shifted locations: (1) Some have moved from areas you could hunt to places you can't, and (2) birds that were stacked up in the Piscataqua River, roosting along shoreline spots before feeding on grass in other locations by day, have moved on.
A central N.Y. contact reported today that he's not seeing anything down there. "Could the wet spring have affected the hatch?" Some of my sources suggest as much for Atlantic Flyway Canada geese. Plenty of season to go. Stay tuned.
--Steve Hickoff
(Photo: copyright Steve Hickoff)