CONCORD, N.H. -- The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has set final season dates and bag limits for the 2009-10 waterfowl hunting season. After considering comments from sportsmen at the August 19 public meeting, the state's waterfowl hunting season remains similar to last year's, with a 60-day duck season and a six-bird daily limit.
Fish and Game will continue split seasons for waterfowl, including ducks and Canada geese, in both the inland and coastal zones to allow early and late hunting opportunities, however, seasons for brant and snow geese will not be split:
* The INLAND ZONE season (ducks, mergansers, coots and Canada geese) opens on October 6 and runs through November 8, then reopens from November 25 through December 20. The brant season will be a straight season from October 6 through November 24, and the snow goose season will be a straight season from October 6 through December 20.
* The COASTAL ZONE season (ducks, mergansers, coots and Canada geese) will open on October 7 and run through October 18, then reopen November 25 through January 11, 2010. The brant season will be a straight season from October 7 through November 25, and the snow goose season will be a straight season from October 7 through January 11, 2010.
Hunters of all migratory game birds (except woodcock, snipe and crows) must have a 2009 New Hampshire hunting license, a New Hampshire Migratory Waterfowl License and a federal duck stamp. They are also required by federal law to register for the National Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program (HIP). Separate HIP permits are needed in each state. Licensed hunters should call 1-800-207-6183, or go to www.HuntNH.com/ and click on "Buy a License"; you can receive a permit number at this site (there is no charge). Write the permit number on your hunting license. Each year, a random selection of hunters is asked to complete a voluntary harvest survey.
Hunters are asked to report all banded birds using the toll-free phone number, 1-800-327-BAND. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will send a certificate with information about the bird.
For more information on waterfowl hunting in New Hampshire, visit: www.huntnh.com/Hunting/Hunt_species/hunt_waterfowl.htm/
As the guardian of the state's fish, wildlife and marine resources, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department works in partnership with the public to conserve, manage and protect these resources and their habitats. Visit http://www.HuntNH.com for more information and online license and permit sales.
(DU Photo)