WHAT: Ducks Unlimited will honor U.S. Army Soldier Adam Herold and the killed and wounded veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from Nebraska at a dedication ceremony for the Fallen Heroes Marsh. The memorial is located on Ducks Unlimited's Verona Complex, a key wetland area in the Rainwater Basin. The marsh is a place where friends and families can come to hunt, watch, photograph or simply listen to ducks and remember the sacrifices made by U.S. military veterans from Nebraska. DU Staff will lead a tour of the Verona Complex and lunch will be served.
WHO: Attendees will include veterans and friends and families of killed and wounded veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from Nebraska. Sponsors and supporters of the memorial and partners associated with the conservation efforts will also attend. Media are invited to cover the event.
WHEN: 11:00 a.m., September 12, 2009. Lunch will be provided.
WHERE: The Verona complex is 45 minutes southeast of Grand Island in Clay County. The ceremony will take place at the Youth Hunting tract on the property. From I-80, take exit 332 (near Grand Island, Nebraska) and travel south on Highway 14 for seventeen miles. Turn left at Highway 6 and travel west one mile. Turn right and travel south on H Street for two miles. Turn right at Road 29; proceed to parking lot on north side of road.
Steve Wilson (402) 499-5515 or swilson@ducks.org
Jennifer P. Kross (701) 202-8896 or jkross@ducks.org