Spent Oct. 29 through Nov. 1 in Tioga County, NY hunting turkeys (took a nice gobbler on the last day). If you're a honker hunter, you have got to make a trip to the state's "south" zone. Not sure if the numbers are still around, but I can assure you of some certain observations: (1) It was occasionally difficult to hear potential turkey vocalizations with all the goose calling from moving groups of birds in the air. (2) I saw virtually no one setting spreads for geese (just turkey chasers and deer-minded bowhunters). (3) Honkers were plentiful from that part of upstate NY, all along I-88, all the way to the Albany region, including Troy to the north, and the run to the Vermont border.
While I am often the servant of two masters (wild turkeys and waterfowl), this scouting information shouldn't be wasted. To put it simply: It's unlikely I'll get back there this fall. You should! Check out the NY state website for the abundant opportunities and liberal goose limits in various regions of the state (http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/28496.html).
Don't forget your decoys, and bring lots of 'em (I'm using GHG [Greenhead Gear] fakes this fall; love 'em). Good luck!
--Steve Hickoff
(Photo Tyson Keller, Avery Outdoors, Inc.)